

Franz Delitzsch是十九世紀德國著名解經權威,他與Keil著之舊約註解,仍為近代學者尊崇,於其著作 A System of Biblical Psychology一書中,作者勾畫出基督教心理學之發展史[3],從中可見古教父時代對人之構造問題已有認識。Irenaeus, Origen, Tertullian, Augustine等著名教父,皆有精闢立論。至第六世紀後,此題目漸不為人注意。Thomas Aquinas曾嘗試論及此題,只是內容簡單。至十八世紀,德國神學家Magnus Friedrich Roos始有專題討論,其1769年出版之「聖經心理學綱要」Fundamenta Psychologiae ex sacra Scriptura Collecta為此門研究創先河。接著下來有Johann T. Beck根據Roos內容,著有Outlines of Biblical Psychology(1843)。F. Delitzsch著有A system of Biblical Psychology(1840),是三元論著作中之權威。以上皆為德國神學家,在英國方面,Jonathan L. Forster著有Biblical Psychology(1873),Rev. James T. Gall著有Primitive Man Unveil or the Anthropology of the Bible(1870)。世紀下半G. H. Pember所著Earth’s Earliest Ages中亦有談及三元論問題[4]。此外,John Laidlaw有著The Bible Doctrine of Man(1879),Rev. J. B. Heard有著The Tripartite Nature of Man(1866),立論最詳盡,全書363頁,全部論及三元論。十九世紀末二十世紀初,又有著名基督教領袖F. B. Meyer(梅爾博士),Andrew Murray(慕安德烈)等著作。慕氏深諳J. T. Beck之著作,並在其基礎上加以發揮。二十世紀主要作者為Jessie-Penn Lewis(賓路易師母),其著作Soul and Spirit-A Glimpse into Bible Psychology,被翻成中文-《靈與魂-聖經心理學淺釋》,由台北橄欖基金會出版。另外與威爾斯大復興領袖羅伯氏合著之聖戰War on the Saints一書,亦有涉此題目。賓路易師母之後又有T. Austi-Sparks主持倫敦貴橡中心,作有What is Man 一書,持守三元論。宣道會創辦人宣信博士A. B. Simpson,也是三元論者,他寫的”Wholly Sanctified”就是根據帖前五23發展的成聖教訓[5]。另外寫著名靈修書籍My Utmost for His Highest之作者Oswald Chambers亦著有Biblical Psychology一書,論點相似。美國方面有Mary E. McDonough之God’s Plan of Redemption《救贖的計劃》(1920),其中文翻譯曾為上海福音書房出版。

此外,開西大會運動Keswick Convention講員,包括戴德生等,亦有傳講三元論等信息。此類作者多數從經歷立場,說到靈與魂之分別,十字架之主觀工作,並天然生命之否定等主題。在比較學術性方面的研究,有Prof. William P. Dixon之St. Paul’s Use of the Terms Flesh and Spirit(1883),H. Wheeler Robinson之The Christian Doctrine of Man(1911),並其於A. S. Peake之The People and the Book一書中之文章Hebrew Psychology。此外,有M. Scott Fletcher之The Psychology of the New Testament(1912),P. Dhorme之The Names of the Parts of the Body in Hebrew and Accadian(1923),美國基要派主流人物Gresham Machen之The Christian View of Man(1937),F. H. Von Meyenfeldt之The Heart in the Old Testament(1950),J. H. Becker之The Word Nephesh in the Old Testament(1942),Aubrey R. Johnson之The Vitality of the Individual in the Thought of Ancient Israel(1964),C. Ryder Smith之The Bible Doctrine of Man(1951),並The Bible Doctrine of Hereafter(1958),新神學家Reinhold Niebuhr之The Nature and Destiny of Man(1941),Albert Gelin之The Concept of Man in the Bible(1968),W. G. Kummel之Man in the New Testament,G. C. Berkouwer之Man the Image of God(1962),Rev. W. David Stacey之The Pauline View of Man(1956),H. D. McDonald之The Christian View of Man(1981),A. A. Hoekema之Created in God’s Image(1986),Gordon H. Clark之The Biblical Doctrine of Man(1984),John W. Cooper之Body, Soul and Life Everlasting(1989),除以上諸作者外,尚有二十世紀十分流行之伴讀聖經作者C. I. Scofield之聖經註解。該聖經註解並美國保守派大本營達拉斯神學院Dallas Theological Seminary之主流神學家Lewis Sperry Chafer,皆力主三元論神學。二十世紀上半倪柝聲著之「屬靈人」,不單普遍影響國人,該書繙成英文後更廣泛被西方神學注重,影響不少其他著作,如Frank B. Minirth之Christian Psychiatry(1977),Dennis & Rita Bennett之Trinity of Man: Healing-Body, Soul & Spirit(1979),Kenneth E. Hagin之The Human Spirit and Man on Three Dimensions(1973),Bill Gothard之Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts(1979)等。


註3:Franz Delitzsch. A System of Biblical Psychology. Clark’s Foreign Theological Library. Ser 4. Vol. XIII. Edinburgh: T&T Clark. 1867. 3-11

註4:G. H. Pember. “The Creation of Man.” Earth’s Earliest Ages. Ch 4. Grand Rapids: Kregal Publications. 1975. 74-82

註5:A. B. Simpson. Wholly Sanctified. Camp Hill, Penn: Christian Publications. 1991